Monday, February 14, 2011

The Next Episode

Im leaving Thailand? This doesn't feel right!
I have been hanging out with a super cool dude named Dan for the last few days in Chiang Mai, eating vegetarian food and going to art gallery openings.
Its only when I look at Thailand through the idea of leaving it tonight do I realize how much this place has become my home. How normal everything is, the culture the language the customs. It doesnt feel like a trip destination anymore...

Im having the same feelings and emotions as I did just before I left home to come to Thailand! But now Im leaving my new home to go to India!

Im stoked for the new adventure, new culture, new food to try! Im boarding in an hour, flying to Bangkok then tonight I fly to Mumbai. Im planning on sleeping in the airport, and then tomorrow either finding a place to stay or taking a train somewhere. Mumbai is expensive, and I have missed trains! I cant wait to try the Indian rails.

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